PowerShell GUI–通过邮箱修改登录的sAMAccount

function Show-sAMAccount_Update_Toolkit_psf {

	#region Import the Assemblies
	[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089')
	[void][reflection.assembly]::Load('System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a')
	#endregion Import Assemblies

	#region Generated Form Objects
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Form'
	$labelStatus = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Label'
	$groupbox1 = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox'
	$richtextboxLOG = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox'
	$richtextboxAccount = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox'
	$buttonUpdate = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Button'
	$buttonCheck = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Button'
	$textboxNewLANID = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'
	$labelNewLANID = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Label'
	$textboxCurrentMailAddress = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'
	$labelCurrentMailAddress = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.Label'
	$InitialFormWindowState = New-Object 'System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState'
	#endregion Generated Form Objects

	# User Generated Script
		#TODO: Initialize Form Controls here
			Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
			$labelStatus.Text = "Active Directory module is loaded success !!!.."
			$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Blue'
			$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Active Directory module is loaded success !!!`n"
			$labelStatus.Text = "Error !!! Active Directory module is not loaded.."
			$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Red'
			$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Active Directory module is not  loaded success !!!`n"
		#TODO: Place custom script here
		$richtextboxAccount.Text = ""
		if ($textboxCurrentMailAddress.Text -eq "")
			$labelStatus.Text = "Current Mail address can not be NULL"
			$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Red'
			$richtextboxLOG.Text =  $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Current Mail address can not be NULL`n"
		if ($textboxCurrentMailAddress.Text -ne "")
			$currentemailaddress_op = $textboxCurrentMailAddress.Text.ToString().Trim()
		if (!($currentemailaddress_op -like '*@XXXXXX.com') -and ($textboxCurrentMailAddress.Text -ne ""))
			$labelStatus.Text = "Error !!! Current Mail address format is not correct "
			$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Red'
			$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Error !!! Current Mail address format is not correct`n"
		if (($currentemailaddress_op -like '*@XXXXXX.com') -and ($textboxCurrentMailAddress.Text -ne ""))
			$Global:tmppkeyword = $textboxCurrentMailAddress.Text.ToString().Trim()
				$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Searching the keyword $tmppkeyword`n"
				$Global:Result = Get-ADUser -Filter { mail -eq $tmppkeyword } -Property * |  Select-Object Name,`
																								  accountExpires, `
																								  PasswordNeverExpires, `
																								  @{ n = "_badPasswordTime"; e = { [datetime]::FromFileTime($_.badPasswordTime) } },`
																								  @{ n = "SAPNumber"; e = { $_.extensionAttribute9 } }, `
																								  @{ n = 'AccountExpiresTime'; e = { [datetime]::fromFileTime($_.accountExpires) } },`
																								  EmployeeID, `
																								  DistinguishedName, `
																								  Title, `
																								  Manager, `
																								  @{ n = "MS_O365Address"; e = { $_.targetAddress } },`
																								  @{ n = "SWNA_ExchangeServer"; e = { $_.msExchHomeServerName -replace ".*=" } },`
																								  @{ n = "LastLogonTime"; e = { [datetime]::FromFileTime($_.lastLogonTimestamp) } },`
																								  @{ n = 'Password_Expire_Time'; e = { Get-Date([datetime]::fromFileTime($_.pwdlastset)).AddDays(90) } } -ErrorAction Stop
				$labelStatus.Text = "Error !!! Current Mail address  can not be found !!! "
				$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Red'
				$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Error !!! Current Mail address  can not be found !!!`n"
			if ($Result -eq $null)
				$labelStatus.Text = "Error !!! Current Mail address  can not be found !!! "
				$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Red'
				$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Error !!! Current Mail address  can not be found !!!`n"
			if ($Result -ne $null)
				$labelStatus.Text = "Get the email $tmpkeyword success!!! "
				$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Blue'
				if (!(Test-Path c:\PowerShell\LOG\))
					mkdir c:\PowerShell\LOG
				cmd /c set > c:\PowerShell\LOG\saMaccountupdate_set.log
				$sets = Get-Content "c:\PowerShell\LOG\saMaccountupdate_set.log"
				foreach ($set in $sets)
					if ($set -like "*LOGONSERVER*")
						$global:DC = ($set -replace("LOGONSERVER=\\\\",""))+'.XXXXXX.com'#.XXXXXX.com是域名DNS后缀
				$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Get the email $tmpkeyword success!!! `n"
				$TargetAccouontResult = $Result
				$CurrentDisplayName = $NULL
				$CurrentDisplayName = $TargetAccouontResult.DisplayName.ToString()
				$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Blue'
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("***AD Account -- $CurrentDisplayName --  Account information on DC $DC  Result BEGIN***`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
				try { $outputname = ($TargetAccouontResult | select name).Name.ToString() }
				catch { }
					$global:outputLANID = ($TargetAccouontResult | select sAMAccountName).sAMAccountName.ToString()
					$globalTargetLANID = ($TargetAccouontResult | select sAMAccountName).sAMAccountName.ToString()
				catch { }
				try { $outputDisplayName = ($TargetAccouontResult | select displayname).displayname.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputsapnumber = ($TargetAccouontResult | select sapnumber).sapnumber.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputMail = ($TargetAccouontResult | select Mail).Mail.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputEmployeeID = ($TargetAccouontResult | select employeeID).employeeID.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputOU = ($TargetAccouontResult | select DistinguishedName).DistinguishedName.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputOfficeCode = ($TargetAccouontResult | select physicalDeliveryOfficeName).physicalDeliveryOfficeName.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputStreetAddress = ($TargetAccouontResult | select StreetAddress).StreetAddress.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputdepartment = ($TargetAccouontResult | select department).department.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputtitle = ($TargetAccouontResult | select title).title.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputmanager = ($TargetAccouontResult | select manager).manager.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputtelephonenumber = ($TargetAccouontResult | select telephonenumber).telephonenumber.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputMS_O365Address = ($TargetAccouontResult | select MS_O365Address).MS_O365Address.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputSWNA_ExchangeServer = ($TargetAccouontResult | select SWNA_ExchangeServer).SWNA_ExchangeServer.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputwhenCreated = ($TargetAccouontResult | select whenCreated).whenCreated.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputAccountExpiresTime = ($TargetAccouontResult | select AccountExpiresTime).AccountExpiresTime.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputPasswordLastSet = ($TargetAccouontResult | select PasswordLastSet).PasswordLastSet.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputLastLogonTime = ($TargetAccouontResult | select LastLogonTime).LastLogonTime.ToString() }
				catch { }
				try { $outputPasswordNextExpiredTime = ($TargetAccouontResult | select Password_Expire_Time).Password_Expire_Time.ToString() }
				catch { }
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Name: $outputname`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Red'
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("LAN ID <+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>:$outputLANID`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Display Name: $outputDisplayName`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("SAP: $outputsapnumber`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Mail: $outputMail`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("EmployeeID: $outputEmployeeID`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("OU: $outputOU`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Office Code: $outputOfficeCode`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("StreeAddress: $outputStreetAddress`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Department: $outputdepartment`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Title: $outputtitle`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Manager: $outputmanager`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Telephone Number:$outputtelephonenumber`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("O365: $outputMS_O365Address`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Exchange: $outputSWNA_ExchangeServer`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("whenCreated: $outputwhenCreated`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Account Expired Time: $outputAccountExpiresTime`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Password Last Set: $outputPasswordLastSet`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Last Logon Time:$outputLastLogonTime`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Password Next Expired Time: $outputPasswordNextExpiredTime`n")
				####################################Handle BadPassword Count BEGIN####################################
				$CR_BadPassword_Count = $TargetAccouontResult.badpwdcount
				if ($CR_BadPassword_Count -ne $NULL)
					if ($CR_BadPassword_Count -eq 0)
						$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Blue'
						$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("BadPassword Count Timer is 0 in DC $DC `n")
						$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
						$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Red'
						$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("BadPassword Count:$CR_BadPassword_Count in DC $DC `n")
						$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
				####################################Handle BadPassword Count END####################################
				################################################Check Account if Locked Out BEGIN#######################################
				$CR_LockedOut = $TargetAccouontResult.LockedOut.ToString()
				if ($CR_LockedOut -eq $false)
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Blue'
					$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("LockedOut Status in $DC DC: $CR_LockedOut `n")
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Red'
					$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("LockedOut Status: $CR_LockedOut !!!Locked Out!!! DC $DC `n")
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
				################################################Check Account if Locked Out END#########################################
				####################################Handle Password Expired Issue Begin####################################
				$CR_Password_Next_Expire_Time = $TargetAccouontResult.Password_Expire_Time
				$CR_Now = Get-Date
				if ($CR_Password_Next_Expire_Time -gt $CR_Now)
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Blue'
					$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Password is not expired, expired time is $CR_Password_Next_Expire_Time`n")
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Red'
					$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Password Expired `n")
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
				####################################Handle Password Expired Issue END####################################
				####################################Handle Account Expired Issue Begin####################################
				$CR_Account_Expire_Time = $TargetAccouontResult.AccountExpiresTime
				$CR_Account_Now = Get-Date
				if ($CR_Account_Expire_Time -ne $NULL -and $CR_Account_Expire_Time.ToString() -ne '1/1/1601 8:00:00 AM')
					if ($CR_Account_Expire_Time -gt $CR_Account_Now)
						$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Blue'
						$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Account is not expired, Expired Time is $CR_Account_Expire_Time`n")
						$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
						#write-host "Account is not expired, Expired Time is $CR_Account_Expire_Time " -foregroundcolor "blue"
						$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Red'
						$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Account Expired `n")
						$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Red'
						$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Account expired time is $CR_Account_Expire_Time `n")
						$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
						#write-host "!!! Account Expired !!!!! " -foregroundcolor "red"
						#write-host Account expired time is $CR_Account_Expire_Time -foregroundcolor "red"
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Blue'
					$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Account is not expired, expired time is not set `n")
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
					#write-host "Account is not expired, expired time is not set " -foregroundcolor "blue"
				####################################Handle Account Expired Issue END####################################
				################################################Check If  Disabled BEGIN#########################################
				if (!(Get-ADUser -Server $DC -Identity $globalTargetLANID).Enabled)
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Red'
					$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Account is disabled in DC $DC  !`n")
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
					#Write-Host "Account is disabled in DC $DC  !" -ForegroundColor Red
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Blue'
					$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("Account is not  disabled in DC $DC  ! `n")
					$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
					#Write-Host "Account is not  disabled in DC $DC  !" -ForegroundColor blue
				################################################Check If  Disabled END#########################################
				$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Blue'
				$richtextboxAccount.AppendText("***AD Account -- $CurrentDisplayName --  Account information on DC $DC  Result END***`n")
				$richtextboxAccount.SelectionColor = 'Black'
		#TODO: Place custom script here
		$labelStatus.Text = ""
		$textboxNewLANID.Text = ""
		#TODO: Place custom script here
		$labelStatus.Text = ""
	#Event Argument: $_ = [System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs]
		#TODO: Place custom script here
		if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Escape")
		if ($_.KeyCode -eq "Return")
			try { $buttonCheck_Click.invoke() }
		#TODO: Place custom script here
		if ($textboxNewLANID.Text -eq "")
			$labelStatus.Text = "Error!!! New LAN ID can not be NULL"
			$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Red'
			$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Error!!! New LAN ID can not be NULL`n"
		if (!($textboxNewLANID.Text -match '\d\d\d'))#新的LANID需要符合的规则,根据实际情况来修改
			$labelStatus.Text = "Error!!! New LAN ID format is not correct !!!"
			$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Red'
			$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Error!!! New LAN ID format is not correct !!!`n"
		if (($textboxNewLANID.Text -ne "") -and ($textboxNewLANID.Text -match '\d\d\d') )
			$global:tmpNewLANID = $textboxNewLANID.Text.ToUpper().Trim()
				$NEWLANIDResult = Get-ADUser -Identity $tmpNewLANID  -ErrorAction Stop
				$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "New LAN ID is not binded to any account in APAC domain --OK `n"
			if ($NEWLANIDResult -ne $null)
				$labelStatus.Text = "Error!!! Update Failed !!! New LAN ID is binded with an account in APAC domain !!!Check if you have typed the wrong SAP Account !!!"
				$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Red'
				$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Error!!! Update failed !!! New LAN ID is binded with an account in APAC domain !!!Check if you have typed the wrong SAP Account !!!`n"
			if (($Result -ne $null) -and ($NEWLANIDResult -eq $null))
				$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Start update the current user's LAN ID to $tmpNewLANID`n"
					Get-ADUser -Identity $outputLANID | Set-ADUser -Replace @{ samaccountname = $tmpNewLANID } -ErrorAction Stop
						$labelStatus.Text = "Success!!! Update Finished !!!"
						$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'green'
						$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Success!!! Update Finished  !!!`n"
					$labelStatus.Text = "Error!!! Update failed !! Please check your account permission !!!"
					$labelStatus.ForeColor = 'Red'
					$richtextboxLOG.Text = $richtextboxLOG.Text + "Error!!! Update failed !! Please check your account permission !!!`n"
	# --End User Generated Script--
	#region Generated Events
		#Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue
		$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.WindowState = $InitialFormWindowState
		#Remove all event handlers from the controls
		catch { Out-Null <# Prevent PSScriptAnalyzer warning #> }
	#endregion Generated Events

	#region Generated Form Code
	# formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.AutoScaleDimensions = '6, 13'
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.AutoScaleMode = 'Font'
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.ClientSize = '1412, 699'
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.FormBorderStyle = 'FixedDialog'
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.KeyPreview = $True
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.MaximizeBox = $False
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.MinimizeBox = $False
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.Name = 'formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT'
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
	$formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.Text = 'XXXXXX sAMAccount Update Toolkit'
	# labelStatus
	$labelStatus.AutoSize = $True
	$labelStatus.Font = 'Century Gothic, 9pt, style=Bold'
	$labelStatus.Location = '12, 625'
	$labelStatus.Name = 'labelStatus'
	$labelStatus.Size = '42, 20'
	$labelStatus.TabIndex = 8
	$labelStatus.Text = 'label1'
	$labelStatus.UseCompatibleTextRendering = $True
	# groupbox1
	$groupbox1.Font = 'Century Gothic, 8.25pt'
	$groupbox1.Location = '815, 12'
	$groupbox1.Name = 'groupbox1'
	$groupbox1.Size = '585, 612'
	$groupbox1.TabIndex = 7
	$groupbox1.TabStop = $False
	$groupbox1.Text = 'LOG'
	$groupbox1.UseCompatibleTextRendering = $True
	# richtextboxLOG
	$richtextboxLOG.BackColor = 'Control'
	$richtextboxLOG.Font = 'Century Gothic, 8.25pt'
	$richtextboxLOG.Location = '7, 16'
	$richtextboxLOG.Name = 'richtextboxLOG'
	$richtextboxLOG.ReadOnly = $True
	$richtextboxLOG.Size = '572, 586'
	$richtextboxLOG.TabIndex = 0
	$richtextboxLOG.Text = ''
	# richtextboxAccount
	$richtextboxAccount.BackColor = 'Control'
	$richtextboxAccount.Font = 'Century Gothic, 8.25pt'
	$richtextboxAccount.Location = '12, 84'
	$richtextboxAccount.Name = 'richtextboxAccount'
	$richtextboxAccount.ReadOnly = $True
	$richtextboxAccount.Size = '797, 527'
	$richtextboxAccount.TabIndex = 6
	$richtextboxAccount.Text = ''
	# buttonUpdate
	$buttonUpdate.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt, style=Bold'
	$buttonUpdate.ForeColor = 'Green'
	$buttonUpdate.Location = '1167, 645'
	$buttonUpdate.Name = 'buttonUpdate'
	$buttonUpdate.Size = '121, 42'
	$buttonUpdate.TabIndex = 5
	$buttonUpdate.Text = 'Update'
	$buttonUpdate.UseCompatibleTextRendering = $True
	$buttonUpdate.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
	# buttonCheck
	$buttonCheck.Font = 'Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt, style=Bold'
	$buttonCheck.ForeColor = 'Blue'
	$buttonCheck.Location = '522, 9'
	$buttonCheck.Name = 'buttonCheck'
	$buttonCheck.Size = '131, 41'
	$buttonCheck.TabIndex = 4
	$buttonCheck.Text = 'Check'
	$buttonCheck.UseCompatibleTextRendering = $True
	$buttonCheck.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True
	# textboxNewLANID
	$textboxNewLANID.Font = 'Century Gothic, 9.75pt, style=Bold'
	$textboxNewLANID.ForeColor = '0, 0, 192'
	$textboxNewLANID.Location = '138, 41'
	$textboxNewLANID.Name = 'textboxNewLANID'
	$textboxNewLANID.Size = '342, 23'
	$textboxNewLANID.TabIndex = 3
	# labelNewLANID
	$labelNewLANID.AutoSize = $True
	$labelNewLANID.Font = 'Century Gothic, 8.25pt, style=Bold'
	$labelNewLANID.Location = '12, 44'
	$labelNewLANID.Name = 'labelNewLANID'
	$labelNewLANID.Size = '68, 18'
	$labelNewLANID.TabIndex = 2
	$labelNewLANID.Text = 'New LAN ID'
	$labelNewLANID.UseCompatibleTextRendering = $True
	# textboxCurrentMailAddress
	$textboxCurrentMailAddress.Font = 'Century Gothic, 9.75pt, style=Bold'
	$textboxCurrentMailAddress.ForeColor = 'Purple'
	$textboxCurrentMailAddress.Location = '138, 9'
	$textboxCurrentMailAddress.Name = 'textboxCurrentMailAddress'
	$textboxCurrentMailAddress.Size = '342, 23'
	$textboxCurrentMailAddress.TabIndex = 1
	# labelCurrentMailAddress
	$labelCurrentMailAddress.AutoSize = $True
	$labelCurrentMailAddress.Font = 'Century Gothic, 8.25pt, style=Bold'
	$labelCurrentMailAddress.Location = '12, 12'
	$labelCurrentMailAddress.Name = 'labelCurrentMailAddress'
	$labelCurrentMailAddress.Size = '118, 18'
	$labelCurrentMailAddress.TabIndex = 0
	$labelCurrentMailAddress.Text = 'Current Mail Address'
	$labelCurrentMailAddress.UseCompatibleTextRendering = $True
	#endregion Generated Form Code


	#Save the initial state of the form
	$InitialFormWindowState = $formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.WindowState
	#Init the OnLoad event to correct the initial state of the form
	#Clean up the control events
	#Show the Form
	return $formXXXXXXSAMAccountUpdateT.ShowDialog()

} #End Function

#Call the form
Show-sAMAccount_Update_Toolkit_psf | Out-Null
本文链接: https://www.pstips.net/powershell-gui-update-samaccount-via-mailaddress.html


您的邮箱地址不会被公开。 必填项已用 * 标注