$csCode = @" using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Test { public class MultMedia { [DllImport("winmm.dll",EntryPoint="mciSendStringA", ExactSpelling=true, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError=true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private static extern int mciSendString(string lpstrCommand, string lpstrReturnString, int uReturnLength, int hwndCallback); [DllImport("winmm.dll",EntryPoint="mciGetErrorStringA", ExactSpelling=true, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError=true, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl)] private static extern int mciGetErrorString(int nError, ref byte strErrorText, int nErrorText); /// 调用系统麦克风,设置音频参数,开始录音 public static void StartRecord() { mciSendString("open new type waveaudio alias recSound", "", 0, 0); string strCMD = "set recSound time format ms"; strCMD += " bitspersample 16"; strCMD += " channels 1"; strCMD += " samplespersec 16000"; strCMD += " bytespersec 32000"; // bytespersec = bitspersample*channels*samplespersec/8 strCMD += " alignment 2"; // alignment = bitspersample*channels/8 strCMD += " format tag pcm"; mciSendString(strCMD, "", 0, 0); mciSendString("record recSound", "", 0, 0); } /// 停止录音并保存音频数据至指定文件 public static void SaveRecord(string strFileName) { string strCMD = "save recSound " + strFileName + " wait"; mciSendString(strCMD, "", 0, 0); mciSendString("close recSound", "", 0, 0); } /// 播放WAV文件 public static void Play(string strFileName) { int nRet = 0; byte[] szError = new byte[255]; string strCMD = "open " + strFileName + " type waveaudio alias playSound"; nRet = mciSendString(strCMD, "", 0, 0); if (nRet != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Open error code : {0}", nRet); mciGetErrorString(nRet, ref szError[0], 255); Console.WriteLine("Description : {0}", System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(szError, 0, szError.Length)); return; } nRet = mciSendString("play playSound wait", "", 0, 0); if (nRet != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Play error code : {0}", nRet); mciGetErrorString(nRet, ref szError[0], 255); Console.WriteLine("Description : {0}", System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(szError, 0, szError.Length)); return; } nRet = mciSendString("close playSound", "", 0, 0); if (nRet != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Close error code : {0}", nRet); mciGetErrorString(nRet, ref szError[0], 255); Console.WriteLine("Description : {0}", System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(szError, 0, szError.Length)); return; } } } } "@ Add-Type -TypeDefinition $csCode function pause() { Write-Host "Press any key to continue..." [Console]::ReadKey() | Out-Null } # 定义使用常量 $URL = "https://api.xfyun.cn/v1/service/v1/tts" $AUE = "raw" $APPID = "YOUR_APPID" $API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY" $arrayAgents = $Null $nAgentNum = 0 $strContent = "" # 组装网页请求Header function getHeader() { # 获取当前世界标准时间与1970年初的时间差总秒数 $dtNow = Get-Date $dtDiff = $dtNow.ToUniversalTime() - $(Get-Date -Date "1970/01/01 00:00:00") $curTime = [Math]::Floor($dtDiff.TotalSeconds) Write-Host $curTime # 组装配置信息 $param = "{`"aue`":`"$AUE`",`"auf`":`"audio/L16;rate=16000`",`"voice_name`":`"$VOICE_NAME`",`"engine_type`":`"intp65`"}" Write-Host $param $oUTF8 = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding $oMD5 = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider # 配置信息BASE64编码 $strBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($oUTF8.GetBytes($param)) Write-Host `$strBase64 : $strBase64 # API_KEY+时间差+BASE64密文进行UTF8编码备用 $strUTF8Con = $API_KEY + $curTime + $strBase64 $arrayUTF8Con = $oUTF8.GetBytes($strUTF8Con) Write-Host `$strUTF8Con : $strUTF8Con Write-Host `$arrayUTF8Con : $arrayUTF8Con # 计算API_KEY+时间差+配置信息BASE64密文的MD5值 $arrayBinCon = $oMD5.ComputeHash($arrayUTF8Con) $checkSum = [BitConverter]::ToString($arrayBinCon) -Replace "-", "" $checkSum = $checkSum.ToLower() Write-Host `$checkSum : $checkSum # 按需求组合请求Header的HASH表(一一对应相关变量) $header = @{ "X-CurTime" = $curTime "X-Param" = $strBase64 "X-Appid" = $APPID "X-CheckSum" = $checkSum "X-Real-Ip" = "" "Content-Type" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" } #Write-Host $header return $header } # 组装合成语音文本的HASH表,仅TEXT一个字典 function getBody($text) { $data = @{ #"text" = [Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($text) #技术文档里面说需要URLENCODE编码,实际上不需要 "text" = $text } #Write-Host "转化的内容为 : $text" return $data } # 将返回音频流写入对应文件 function writeFile($file, $content){ #param ([string] $file, [Byte[]] $content) [System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($file, $content) } # 选择发音角色 function getAgentList() { $oVoice1 = @{"index" = "1"; "name" = "讯飞小燕"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "xiaoyan"} $oVoice2 = @{"index" = "2"; "name" = "讯飞许久"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "aisjiuxu"} $oVoice3 = @{"index" = "3"; "name" = "讯飞小萍"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "aisxping"} $oVoice4 = @{"index" = "4"; "name" = "讯飞小婧"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "aisjinger"} $oVoice5 = @{"index" = "5"; "name" = "讯飞许小宝"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "aisbabyxu"} $oVoice6 = @{"index" = "6"; "name" = "讯飞小东"; "type" = "山东话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaodong"} $oVoice7 = @{"index" = "7"; "name" = "讯飞小王"; "type" = "湖北话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaowang"} $oVoice8 = @{"index" = "8"; "name" = "讯飞萌萌-中立"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_mengmengneutral"} $oVoice9 = @{"index" = "9"; "name" = "讯飞宁宁"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_ningning"} $oVoice10 = @{"index" = "10"; "name" = "讯飞小南"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaonan"} $oVoice11 = @{"index" = "11"; "name" = "讯飞玲姐姐"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoling"} $oVoice12 = @{"index" = "12"; "name" = "讯飞小坤"; "type" = "河南话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaokun"} $oVoice13 = @{"index" = "13"; "name" = "讯飞小梅"; "type" = "广东话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaomei"} $oVoice14 = @{"index" = "14"; "name" = "讯飞小瑞"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaonuo_novel"} $oVoice15 = @{"index" = "15"; "name" = "讯飞小师"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoshi_cts"} $oVoice16 = @{"index" = "16"; "name" = "讯飞小梦"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaomeng"} $oVoice17 = @{"index" = "17"; "name" = "讯飞小施"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoshi"} $oVoice18 = @{"index" = "18"; "name" = "讯飞小强"; "type" = "湖南话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoqiang"} $oVoice19 = @{"index" = "19"; "name" = "讯飞一峰"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_yifeng"} $oVoice20 = @{"index" = "20"; "name" = "讯飞小媛"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoyuan"} $oVoice21 = @{"index" = "21"; "name" = "讯飞晓倩"; "type" = "东北话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoqian"} $oVoice22 = @{"index" = "22"; "name" = "讯飞小莹"; "type" = "陕西话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoying"} $oVoice23 = @{"index" = "23"; "name" = "讯飞小乔"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoqiao"} $oVoice24 = @{"index" = "24"; "name" = "讯飞小瑶"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoyao"} $oVoice25 = @{"index" = "25"; "name" = "讯飞晓燕"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoyan"} $oVoice26 = @{"index" = "26"; "name" = "讯飞萌萌-悲伤"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_mengmengsad"} $oVoice27 = @{"index" = "27"; "name" = "讯飞小春"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_mengchun"} $oVoice28 = @{"index" = "28"; "name" = "讯飞马叔"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_laoma"} $oVoice29 = @{"index" = "29"; "name" = "讯飞小蓉"; "type" = "四川话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaorong"} $oVoice30 = @{"index" = "30"; "name" = "讯飞芳芳"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaofang"} $oVoice31 = @{"index" = "31"; "name" = "讯飞晓峰"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaofeng"} $oVoice32 = @{"index" = "32"; "name" = "讯飞小魏"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaowei"} $oVoice33 = @{"index" = "33"; "name" = "讯飞楠楠"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_nannan"} $oVoice34 = @{"index" = "34"; "name" = "讯飞小肥"; "type" = "安徽合肥话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaofei"} $oVoice35 = @{"index" = "35"; "name" = "讯飞小雪"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoxue"} $oVoice36 = @{"index" = "36"; "name" = "讯飞晓琳"; "type" = "台湾普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaolin"} $oVoice37 = @{"index" = "37"; "name" = "讯飞小包"; "type" = "内蒙古方言"; "nameID" = "x_xiaobao"} $oVoice38 = @{"index" = "38"; "name" = "讯飞小华"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaoyang_story"} $oVoice39 = @{"index" = "39"; "name" = "讯飞宋宝宝"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_xiaosong"} $oVoice40 = @{"index" = "40"; "name" = "讯飞玉儿"; "type" = "台湾普通话"; "nameID" = "x_yuer"} $oVoice41 = @{"index" = "41"; "name" = "讯飞萌萌-高兴"; "type" = "普通话"; "nameID" = "x_mengmenghappy"} $arrayVoices = @($oVoice1, $oVoice2, $oVoice3, $oVoice4, $oVoice5, $oVoice6, $oVoice7, $oVoice8, $oVoice9, $oVoice10, $oVoice11, $oVoice12, $oVoice13, $oVoice14, $oVoice15, $oVoice16, $oVoice17, $oVoice18, $oVoice19, $oVoice20, $oVoice21, $oVoice22, $oVoice23, $oVoice24, $oVoice25, $oVoice26, $oVoice27, $oVoice28, $oVoice29, $oVoice30, $oVoice31, $oVoice32, $oVoice33, $oVoice34, $oVoice35, $oVoice36, $oVoice37, $oVoice38, $oVoice39, $oVoice40, $oVoice41) return $arrayVoices } # 从参数或用户输入取得发音角色 function chooseAct() { Write-Host "请选择你要发音的角色 : " $arrayAgents | %{ Write-Host "$($_["index"]). $($_["name"])-$($_["type"])" } $nRetAct = Read-Host "角色编号" return $nRetAct } function main() { $arrayAgents = getAgentList $VOICE_NAME = "" if ( $nAgentNum -eq 0 ) { $nAgentNum = chooseAct } do { clear $bFound = $false $arrayAgents | %{ if ( $nAgentNum -eq $_["index"] ) { $bFound = $true $VOICE_NAME = "$($_["nameID"])" Write-Host `$VOICE_NAME : $VOICE_NAME break } } if ( $bFound ) { break } else { Write-Host "错误编号,请重新输入..." pause } $nAgentNum = chooseAct } while ($true) # 从参数或用户输入取得合成文本 $strConTmp = "" if ( $strContent -ne "" ) { $strConTmp = $strContent } else { $strConTmp = Read-Host "Input translated text" } # 组装请求Header $oHeader = getHeader # 转换成JSON格式便于输出调试 $strHeader = ConvertTo-Json $oHeader # 组装请求内容 $oBody = getBody $strConTmp # 转换成JSON格式便于输出调试 $strBody = ConvertTo-Json $oBody Write-Host "`n`n`n" try { # 请求服务接口,传入需求数据 Write-Host `$oPage = Invoke-WebRequest `-URI $URL `-Method Post `-Headers $strHeader `-Body $strBody $oPage = Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$URL" -Method Post -Headers $oHeader -Body $oBody #$oPage Write-Host "`n`n`n" # 取出内容分析返回格式,若为音频格式继续 $contentType = $oPage.Headers['Content-Type'] if ( $contentType -eq "audio/mpeg") { # 返回SID值,作为文件名 $sid = $oPage.Headers['sid'] # WAVE格式与MP3格式处理 $strAudio = "" if ( !(Test-Path "audio") ) { mkdir "audio" } if ($AUE -eq "raw") { $strAudio = "$pwd\audio\$($sid).wav" writeFile -file $strAudio -content $($oPage.Content) } else { $strAudio = "$pwd\audio\$($sid).mp3" writeFile -file $strAudio -content $($oPage.Content) } Write-Host "success, sid = $sid" #ffplay -hide_banner -autoexit -i $strAudio -showmode 1 [Test.MultMedia]::Play($strAudio) } else { # 错误请求,输出返回结果 Write-Host "Execute error, the detail is : $($oPage.RawContent)" } } catch { # 例外捕获 Write-Host Erron on : $Error[0] } } if ($args.Count -ge 1) { $strContent = $args[0] Write-Host "获取内容参数 : $strContent" } if ($args.Count -ge 2) { $nAgentNum = $args[1] Write-Host "获取角色参数 : $nAgentNum" } main pause
注:请至 http://www.xfyun.cn注册账号并申请APPID