

# NOTE: RemoteRegistry Service needs to run on a target system!
$Hive = 'LocalMachine'

# you can specify as many keys as you want as long as they are all in the same hive
$Key = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall', 'SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'

# you can specify as many value names as you want
$Value = 'DisplayName', 'DisplayVersion', 'UninstallString'

# you can specify a remote computer name as long as the RemoteRegistry service runs on the target machine,
# you have admin permissions on the target, and the firewall does not block you. Default is the local machine:
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME

# add the value "RegPath" which will contain the actual Registry path the value came from (since you can specify more than one key)
$Value = @($Value) + 'RegPath'
# now for each regkey you specified...
$Key | ForEach-Object {
  # ...open the hive on the appropriate machine 
  $RegHive = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey($Hive, $ComputerName)
  # ...open the key in that hive...  
  $RegKey = $RegHive.OpenSubKey($_)
  # ...find names of all subkeys... 
  $RegKey.GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach-Object {
    # ...open subkeys...   
    $SubKey = $RegKey.OpenSubKey($_)
    # ...and read all the requested values from each subkey 
    # ...to store them, use Select-Object to create a simple new object
    $returnValue = 1 | Select-Object -Property $Value
    $Value | ForEach-Object {
      $returnValue.$_ = $subkey.GetValue($_)

    # ...add the current regkey path name
    $returnValue.RegPath = $SubKey.Name

    # return the values:

    # close the subkey
  # close the regkey
  # close the hive

} | Out-GridView


该脚本我们学习到了如何去读取一个注册表,中间“$returnValue=1|Select-Object -Property $Value”这种用法让我们学习到如何快速创建一个带属性的集合,$Value = @($Value) + ‘RegPath’又让我们学习到如何追加集合,同时多重管道+嵌套循环的应用也充分反应出作者清晰的编程思路,此文不亏是一篇好的基础范例文章。

原文地址: Reading Installed Software Remotely

本文链接: https://www.pstips.net/reading-installed-software-remotely.html


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